Oil and gas exploration and production activities can result in impacts to the surrounding environment through both planned and accidental releases. Tetra Tech brings a detailed understanding of individual activities and their potential effects to the analysis, monitoring, decommissioning, and remediation of affected environments.
The Tetra Tech Research & Development Group has been providing technical guidance and support to offshore oil and gas operators since 1996. We have conducted environmental monitoring and sampling, and have designed and implemented multiple studies to address specific environmental issues such as mercury and arsenic accumulation. Tetra Tech brings together experts in environmental, social, and health effects in the preparation of environmental impact assessment documents. Tetra Tech has evaluated the unique conditions associated with the discharge and environmental fate of mercury and arsenic, and has developed a conceptual model of environmental recovery after discharge of drilling muds and cuttings. Tetra Tech is currently supporting development of approaches for platform decommissioning and remediation of contaminated sediments at offshore oil and gas platforms. Tetra Tech developed a code of practice for produced water management that has been implemented by multiple operators. This work involved the modeling of the discharged effluent at offshore discharges and validation of the model in the field. Tetra Tech has developed one of the largest databases on the environmental effects of offshore oil and gas activities.